Monday Oct 26, 2020
Heather Mansfield: Philanthropy Masterminds
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Welcome back Masterminds, this week we jump back into the series with an amazing interview. Heather Mansfield has been on the leading edge of applying tech to social good for over 25 years. Since the mid-nineties, she has pioneered efforts in crowdfunding, e-mail, fundraising, and then social media marketing for the non-profit world. As the editor-in-chief and founder of non-profit Tech for Good, author of the best-selling books Mobile for Good: Social Media for Social Good, the Global NGO Tech Report, and the Global Trends and Giving Report as well as The Voice Behind non-profit aurochs reaching hundreds of thousands on social networks. She’s presented at conferences around the world online and in real life as well as trained and inspired hundreds of thousands, if not millions, to successfully use tech for the benefit of humanity. We caught up with Heather at her home office in Tucson, Arizona.
Want more on the DonorSearch Masterminds Series? Be sure to follow us on Twitter @DonorSearch.
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Sam Laprade: Philanthropy Masterminds
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
With close to three decades in the non-profit, political, and media sectors, Sam Laprade is a singular voice in the world of social good from her work, as a strategist at Griffin Fundraising, to her role as host of “An Hour To Give” in Ottawa and from the fundraising stagers around the world, to the stand-up stage. She's provided a unique insight into the art and science of 21st-century fundraising. Take a listen as you’ll learn about her new love for comedy and how her new puppy relates to the hit show “The Office”.
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Jim Anderson: Philanthropy Masterminds
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Jim Anderson is Partner at GoalBusters and has over three decades of experience and donor psychology, brand strategy, social media marketing, multimedia production, and board and organizational training. Jim currently serves for the third time as the President of AFP Northern Arizona and he has also been a key voice on the AFP International Communications and Marketing Committee, The Committee on Directorship, and serves as an instructor at Northern Arizona University. He's known as one of the funniest people in fundraising and you can find him online, social media, and through his popular Jim-isms column.
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Alice Ferris: Philanthropy Masterminds
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Alice Ferris, Founding Partner of GoalBusters started her fundraising career and her long affiliation with Public Broadcasting, as a volunteer at Wisconsin Public Television, in Madison, Wisconsin, blowing bubbles onto the set during pledge breaks for the Lawrence Welk Show. She serves on the ACFRE Credentialing Board, as well as the CFRE International Board and the Wisconsin School of Business Bolz Center for Arts Administration Advisory Board. You may recognize Alice and her voice for her on-air presence on many public television and radio pledge drives, including top revenue generating fundraisers such as those for Downton Abbey, Ken Burns', America Storyteller, The Civil War, and others.
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Kris Putnam-Walkerly: Philanthropy Masterminds
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
For over 20 years, top global philanthropies, ultra-high net worth donors, celebrity activists, foundations, wealth advisors, and Fortune 500 companies have sought Kris Putnam-Walkerly’s philanthropic advisory services to dramatically increase the clarity, speed, impact and joy of their giving.
Kris is a Global Philanthropy Advisor, and President of Putnam Consulting Group. She is the author of the award winning book, Confident Giving: Sage Advice for Funders, and The New Book, Delusional Altruism. She's also a Forbes.com contributor on the topic of Philanthropic Giving.
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Derrick Feldmann: Philanthropy Masterminds
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Derrick Feldmann is Managing Director of INFLUENCE|SG a movement design studio working with leading brands and causes to research, ideate and test new movement approaches and the Managing Director of Ad Council Edge, the Ad Council’s strategic consulting division that advises during the formative stages of public engagement programs.
He's a well-known researcher and advisor for causes and companies, social movements, issue engagement, as well as the author of three books, Social Movements for Good: How Companies and Causes Create Viral Change. Cause for Change, the Wind howled, non-profit, Millennial Engagement, and most recently, The Corporate Social Mind, published by Fast Company Press in June, 2020.
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Randy Cohen: Philanthropy Masterminds
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Randy Cohen is Vice President of Research at Americans for the Arts—the national advocacy organization for the arts—where he has been empowering arts advocates since 1991. Randy stands out as a noted expert in the field of arts funding, research, and using the arts to address community development issues. He publishes Americans Speak Out About the Arts, the nation’s largest public opinion study about the arts, and produces the two premier economic studies of the arts—Arts & Economic Prosperity, the national economic impact study of nonprofit arts organizations and their audiences; and Creative Industries, a mapping study of the nation’s 675,000 arts businesses and their employees. Randy has given speeches in all 50 states and, regularly appears in the news media, including, within the pages of the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and on C-SPAN, CNN, CNBC, and NPR.
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Brian Becker: Philanthropy Masterminds
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Brian Becker is Founder of Leaders Edge, a boutique consulting firm focusing primarily on helping non-profits develop strategic plans, high performing teams, becoming more sustainable and increasing impact. He also provides leadership coaching to executives and aspiring leaders, Brian is the co-author with his son of Tender Lyon's, building the Vital Relationship between father and son.